Abụ M Mbe (I Am Tortoise)

$ 6.82

(2 customer reviews)

Mbe (Tortoise) is the chief protagonist of the Igbo Folktale. You cannot mention akụkọ ifo Igbo without mbe. This audiobook is a compilation of 30 short stories on tortoise and his exploits. The stories revive the Igbo moonlight plays and preserve them for posterity with a lot of moral lessons and fun-filled narratives. Folklore is an important aspect of Igbo cultural entertainment and education.

2 reviews for Abụ M Mbe (I Am Tortoise)

  1. Sonyx eze

    Review for Abụ M Mbe (I Am Tortoise)
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

  2. Nnamdi Ohazurume

    Ndewo Mazi. Jisie ike

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